"Make Indian Cement Plants World Class in Green": These are big words that were chosen as the slogan of the 15th "Green Cementech" conference in Hyderabad, on 30-31 May 2019. That conference was jointly organized by the Indian Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). It was interesting to hear the many presentations pointing out that India is already on a very good way in the direction of most eco-friendly cement production - while at the same time a lot remains to be done.
Large parts of the conference were dealing with reducing the carbon footprint and energy efficiency - obviously most important fields for the cement production. However mining was almost not covered at all - even though it is another field where cement production has a large environmental impact. Maybe it is not really considered a core part of the cement production process? Well, this is wrong because the supply of raw materials is a key factor for cement production. Meaning that cement cannot be produced without extracting non-renewable raw materials from the ground - and care has to be taken to do this in the most responsible way possible. Which means: get the maximum of cement raw mix out of a given deposit or lease. And this is exactly the purpose of AthosGEO Blend.
For this reason I was very pleased when I received a request to present that software tool at the conference! It was a question, not a formal invitation with paid travel, accomodation and all, but I felt that this is exactly the place where I have to be! Even considering the small budget of my little company. Simply because the purpose fits so exactly the purpose of my company and activities! And also because India is a country where such efforts can deliver more than in many other countries - due to the geological situation with very little limestone and a large demand for cement. So it is important to spread the word also there.
Personally I was of course also glad to be once more back in that country where I have already spent so much time before. And I hope this will not be the last opportunity in India - for both doing business and seeing friends - and for doing something helpful for both the environment and the people.
If you want to know what the message was about AthosGEO Blend in Hyderabad: Please go ahead and download the presentation (in PDF format):