We will offer trainings for users of our AthosGEO softwares on request:
AthosGEO View
- Viewing your models, visualizing all attributes, with sections and volume views
- Assessing the available qualities, including statistical visualizations
- Enriching your model information with additional items
- Browse through the planning periods (if a planning was done with AthosGEO Blend)
In short: extract and visualize every piece of information from your model data!
AthosGEO Blend
- Specify mining perimeter and angles
- Determine the maximum pit
- Calculate the maximum raw mix potential
- Assess the effect of different quality constraints on this raw mix potential, including corrective materials and alternative raw materials
- Calculate period by period mining schedule
- Specify preferred mining directions, opening points and wasting options
In short: everything that allows you to optimize the utilization of your raw mix resources by proper blending
Concepts and Added Value
In our trainings you will not only learn where to click in your software: We will always explain and discuss the concepts behind the different steps, so you really understand what you are doing. With this the users will not only be able to follow some narrow workflow, but understand the quality issues behind:
- How does this new corrective material affect the quarry lifetime, and why?
- What are your options to mitigate the effect of minor components like sulfur, organic carbon or magnesium in your raw materials?
- And more!
So far we are offering such trainings on request, so we will be able to adapt the subjects to the questions and needs of the participants.
Whether you are a freelance consultant or a technical expert in a major company: This kind of training will add value to your future work with raw materials planning.
With our deep knowledge and experience with the LafargeHolcim (LH) custom tools for raw materials planning (QSO and QuarryMaster) we can offer any kind of training for these softwares:
- Introduction or advanced
- Training in groups or single user coaching
- Full service from model generation and software implementation to user introduction and support
We are sorry to say that we cannot offer this service to any operations outside the LH group because this is not covered by the software licensing.