Keeping my promise: The next blog is here - and we are going to talk about next developments for AthosGEO Blend. My previous blog (yesterday) about licensing and selling software was kind of an introduction. But first let's celebrate our first little anniversary: The first year of operational life of AthosGEO Blend in a cement...
Category: General
About the blog, the website and the company
About Licensing, Funding and AthosGEO – Some Backgrounds
ParaView is open source, freely available for everybody - and if you have questions, just ask the friendly people at Kitware Ltd. through the available forums: Isn't that great? I for myself like it very much - and say thank you for all the support that I was able to receive from that side! But...
AthosGEO Blend at the Green Cementech Conference in Hyderabad
"Make Indian Cement Plants World Class in Green": These are big words that were chosen as the slogan of the 15th "Green Cementech" conference in Hyderabad, on 30-31 May 2019. That conference was jointly organized by the Indian Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). It was interesting to hear the...
AthosGEO View Supporting Geodata Visualization
In April 2019, Swisstopo organized for the second time a workshop about Geological 3D Modelling. Swisstopo is part of the Swiss Federal Government, and the invited parties were from authorities, universities and private companies in Switzerland. I was also invited to present, and since this was not a cement related event, I presented the AthosGEO...
Article about First Operational AthosGEO Blend
It's 5 months since the last blog update, and already two months since the article appeared: Still I want to point you to that very nice article about the first AthosGEO Blend in full action! You will get an idea about what kind of problems you can solve by using a software like AthosGEO Blend....
Celebrating Release of AthosGEO Blend 1.0.0
There is good news today: AthosGEO Blend is not any more just a promise - it's out now! Please read here for more information about what the software can do for you. With this we are now able to support you in your cement raw material extraction optimization and scheduling efforts in the best possible...
Block Model Based Cement Quarry Optimization
In the Cement and Building Materials Review (published by the AUCBM) an article appeared by my partner Pawel Kawalec ( and myself about the subject of block model based cement quarry optimization. We explain the benefits of such kind of optimization, required steps and the specific needs of the cement industry - and all this...
Sharing Know How
Share Your Know-How and Prosper My company is all about sharing know-how - and this blog is going to be part of it. The intention is to share bits of my long experience in optimizing raw materials for cement production - and it is quite possible that some of the learnings are valid also for...